MBI Comparative Benefit-to–Radiation Risk Ratio of Molecular Breast Imaging, Two-Dimensional Full-Field Digital Mammography with and without Tomosynthesis, and Synthetic Mammography with Tomosynthesis Matthew Brown, Matthew F. Covington Purpose: To apply previously published benefit-to-risk ratio methods for mammography…phvlwbDecember 1, 2020
PBI Aunt Minnie: Breast PET Imaging Identifies Occult Primary Disease A 72-year-old woman presents with an erythematous left nipple. Full article on Aunt MinniephvlwbDecember 13, 2017
PBI High Resolution Breast PET Imaging (BPI) to Assess Tumor Response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer The objective of this study was to evaluate the ability of high resolution breast PET…phvlwbDecember 13, 2017
PBI High Resolution Breast Pet Imaging (BPI) In Evaluating Axillary Lymph Node Status Prior to Surgery The objective of this study was to evaluate the ability of high resolution breast PET…phvlwbDecember 13, 2017